实习大叔的剧情介绍,比利(文斯·沃恩 Vince Vaughn 饰)和尼克(欧文·威尔逊 Owen Wilson 饰)是相识多年的同事兼好友,两人勤勤恳恳的工作,为公司立下了诸多的汗马功劳。然而,某一天,两人却突然被告知,公司倒闭了,就这样,在毫无征兆的情况下,两人中年男人失业了。 <br /> 一次偶然中,比利和尼克得到了一个在谷歌公司做实习生的机会,迫于现实的无奈和压力,两人只得“重新来过”。然而,这份实习生的工作也并非万无一失,在经过了一段时间的学习之后,比利和尼克必须参加一个通过率仅为5%的考试,合格后才能够留下成为正式工。面对从未接触过的全新领域,一对难兄难弟能够化险为夷吗?
Billy (Vince Vaughn) and Nick (Owen Wilson) are salesmen whose careers have been torpedoed by the digital world. Trying to prove they are not obsolete, they defy the odds by talking their way into a coveted internship at Google, along with a battalion of brilliant college students. But, gaining entrance to this utopia is only half the battle. Now they must compete with a group of the nation's most elite, tech-savvy geniuses to prove that necessity really is the mother of re-invention.
这部片子简单正能量,就像加州山景观的阳光。。美国60/70后大叔反智又励志的最后一搏。谷歌粉如是说。。。。《实习大叔》:抚平IT民工心中创伤。让我想到那篇为什么美国人选择让孩子到中国接受教育的帖子。不负责任的喜剧片。The Internship。不像励志片的励志广告片。差强人意。