奇迹的剧情介绍,一段破败的婚姻,让两个尚未成年的好兄弟天各一边。哥哥航一(前田航基 饰)随母亲大迫希美(大塚寧々 饰)回到位于鹿儿岛的外婆家,弟弟龙之介(前田旺志郎 饰)则和追寻音乐梦想的“废柴”父亲木南健次(小田切让 饰)在福冈居住。兄弟俩有了各自的朋友圈,父母也似乎渐渐安定下来。可 是,他们无论如何还是希望重新聚在一起。鹿儿岛开往福冈的新干线“燕”和福冈开往鹿儿岛的“樱”号途中会有一次短暂的交汇,传说这时许下心中愿望的话,奇迹就会降临。晴朗的一天,两兄弟各自带着朋友朝着心中的奇迹之地出发…… <br /> 本片荣获第26届高崎电影节最佳新人男演员奖(前田兄弟)和最佳新人女演员奖(内田伽羅)。
In Kagoshima, the boy Koichi lives with his mother Nozomi in the house of his grandparents. Koichi misses his younger brother Ryunosuke and his father Kenji, who live in Fukuoka, and he dreams of his family coming together again. One day, Koichi overhears that the energy released by two bullet trains passing by each other would grant wishes and he invites his two best friends, Tasuku and Makoto, to travel to the point of intersection of the two trains. Koichi also tells his plan to Ryunosuke that invites his three best friends to join him. Soon the seven children arrive to the meeting point in the journey of discoveries.
是枝裕和对话电影旬报。属于是枝裕和的温暖。轻羹之味。On "I wish"。距离永远只是一条直线。比起家,我还是选择了世界。。奇迹便是,用尽全力生活着的每一天。奇迹,敌不过日常每一天。家族より、世界を選んでしまった。。奇迹是真给人奇迹。