太平洋的奇迹的剧情介绍,1944年6月,第二次世界大战接近尾声,远在南洋的塞班岛迎来了最为残酷的时刻。美国7万大军登陆小岛,以压倒性的优势摧毁了日军的防守。败局已定,日本军官下令全岛军民“玉碎”效忠天皇,美丽的塞班岛瞬时成为血流成河的人间地狱。陆军步兵第18连队的大尉大场荣(竹野内豊 饰)率领2000名战士向美军发起自杀式攻击,一番肉搏之后两败俱伤。大场侥幸逃生,遇到堀内今朝松(唐沢寿明 饰)、木谷敏男(山田孝之 饰)等其他部队的残余同志。适值此时,“生存”的信念占据大场的内心,他决定保护幸存的军民直到战争最后…… <br /> 本片根据Don Jones的长篇实录小说《Oba, the Last Samurai: Saipan 1944-45(大场荣,最后的武士:塞班岛1944-1945)》改编,以二战时期塞班岛真实史实为基础。
July 1944, The Imperial Japanese Army Garrison on Saipan mounted its final suicidal Banzai charge against the American Marines in the Battle for Saipan. Out of the 4000 Japanese who waged the charge there are almost no survivors but among them left alive is Captain Oba Sakae (Yutaka Takenouchi). Playing dead, he initially avoids capture and then is joined by a small band of survivors who retreat deep into the jungle. There, he as the highest ranking officer still alive will take command of the surviving 46 soldiers and 200 plus Japanese civilians now in his care who will evade the Marines and conduct a hit and run Guerrilla War long after the Americans declare the island secured in American hands. Enraged by Oba's resistance, the temperamental USMC Commander Colonel Pollard (Daniel Baldwin) launches an all out effort to hunt the man the Marines have dubbed "The Fox" of the Pacific. Failing to Capture Oba, Pollard is sacked and replaced by the mild mannered Colonel Wessinger (Treat Williams) who decides to take a rational less aggressive approach by deploying Captain Lewis (Sean McGowan) who lived in Japan and was both fluent in Japanese language and Culture to go reason with Oba and convince him to surrender. Based on the real life exploits of Captain Oba Sakae, Oba - The Last Samurai tells the incredible true story of one man who found the courage to live defying both the Bushido of the day and the overwhelming US Forces for over 512 days raiding US bases for supplies while evading capture well past the Japanese Surrender and into history.