卡姆依外传的剧情介绍,德川幕府时期,因厌倦无休止的杀戮,崇尚自由的伊贺忍者卡姆依(松山ケンイチ 饰)选择逃亡,他也因此遭到昔日战友们的无休止的追杀。某日,在躲避松山领主水谷军兵卫(佐藤浩市 饰)追杀的过程中,卡姆依结识了砍断领主马腿的渔夫半兵卫(小林薫 饰),并随之回到辛岛隐藏。半兵卫的妻子沙耶香(小雪 饰)曾经也是一名逃往忍者,卡姆依的到来令她心存戒备。不久,半兵卫遭邻人告发,被领主抓走准备处死。卡姆依和沙耶香合作闯入刑场拯救半兵卫。而这次行动也引起了一直追查他们行踪的伊贺忍者的的注意,宿命之战在所难免…… <br /> 本片根据日本漫画家白土三平的同名原著的第二部改编。
Once a powerful ninja, Kamui walks away from his violent and murderous ways. His travels bring him to a seashore village where he meets Hanbei, a fisherman who shares the former ninja's sense of honor. Though Hanbei's wife is wary of the stranger, the fisherman and Kamui become good friends. Life at the seaside seems idyllic but Kamui doesn't get to enjoy the peace for very long when, one day, a band of pirates arrive... It seems that his past life is catching up on him, and everything and everyone is not as it seems. Now he must draw upon his shadowy arts if he hopes to escape with his life.