◎导演◎ 岩本仁志
◎编剧◎ 大石哲也/木村春夫/手塚治虫
◎主演◎ 玉木宏 / 山田孝之 / 山本裕典 / 石桥凌 / 石田百合子
毒气风暴的剧情介绍,消瘦干练的结城美智雄(玉木宏 饰)表面是新世纪银行一名优秀员工,实际上却是一个拥有极高智商杀人不眨眼的魔王。被他杀害的人位高权重,且都来自一个名叫冲之真船岛的地方。东京某报社女记者牧野(石田百合子 饰)敏锐地发现这一共性,她不顾同事和前辈的劝阻,执意展开调查。继而发现一个惊天的秘密:十六年前,美国军方曾在这个小岛研发代号名为“M·W”的生化武器。期间引发泄漏事故,致使诸多岛民遇害。军方为了封锁消息,更不惜杀害幸存者。美智雄和神父贺来裕太郎(山田孝之 饰)是当年侥幸逃生的两名儿童。怀着巨大的仇恨,美智雄化身魔鬼,开始展开一连串的复仇。为此,他不惜复活被封禁多年的“M·W”…… <br /> 本片根据日本漫画家手冢治虫的同名作品改编。
6 years ago, an incident occurred and all inhabitants on an island were killed. The truth to this incident was covered up overnight by the authorities. Everything was supposedly blown over by fully prepared concealment. However, there were two boys who happened to survive by a twist of fate - One boy, Michio Yuki, became an incredibly beautiful and very clever evil person who plots revenge on the government. The other boy, Yutaro Garai became a priest who pursues peace and justice. Evil and justice. Darkness and light. They shared the same past, but it brought them to be completely opposites of each other. Yuki finds about "MW"; the horrible chemical-weapon which caused the incident years ago, and finally obtains it. With "MW", he tries to move his plan of terminating all mankind with himself.
耶稣的魅力。用孩子的眼睛看世界,到底谁才是怪物?。其实一点也不腐。是谁让辉煌的阴暗褪色。主人和玩具的毁灭和拯救地球计划。不算成功的改编作品。捡芝麻和丢西瓜。俗络的剧情发展与不俗的演技。准大片的门槛都没到 TAMAKI。生命的羁绊。