极乐空间的剧情介绍,22世纪中叶,地球并未借助文明和科技的进步变得更加美好,反而在各种贪欲荼毒之下变成毫无希望的废墟荒原。少数极度富有之人抛弃生身故乡,在漂浮于地球之上的空间站上建立了宛若天堂般美好的乐土,继续过着享乐奢靡的幸福生活。而绝大多数的穷苦人不得不留在千疮百孔的地球上,在绝望的混乱之中苟延残喘,同时被迫忍受各种严苛可笑的联邦法规的压迫。他们在富人建立起来的工业系统下努力赚取稀薄的营生,时而仰望苍穹,幻想着早日移民空间站开始新的生活。无奈在政府官员德拉库特(朱迪·福斯特 Jodie Foster 饰)的铁腕掌控下,偷渡者一次次化作宇宙中的碎片。 <br /> 工作中受到强辐射的普通人麦克斯(马特·达蒙 Matt Damon 饰),除非借助空间站先进的医疗系统,否则五天后将一命呜呼。纵使仅有一线生机,也要朝着极乐世界挺进……
In the year 2154, two classes of people exist: the very wealthy, who live on a pristine man-made space station called Elysium, and the rest, who live on an overpopulated, ruined Earth. Secretary Delacourt, a government official, will stop at nothing to enforce anti-immigration laws and preserve the luxurious lifestyle of the citizens of Elysium. That doesn't stop the people of Earth from trying to get in by any means they can. When unlucky Max is backed into a corner, he agrees to take on a daunting mission that, if successful, will not only save his life but could bring equality to these polarized worlds.