William Friedkin's gritty police drama portrays two tough New York City cops trying to intercept a huge heroin shipment coming from France. An interesting contrast is established between 'Popeye' Doyle, a short-tempered alcoholic bigot who is nevertheless a hard-working and dedicated police officer, and his nemesis Alain Charnier, a suave and urbane gentleman who is nevertheless a criminal and one of the largest drug suppliers of pure heroin to North America. During the surveillance and eventual bust, Friedkin provides one of the most gripping and memorable car chase sequences ever filmed.
《法国贩毒网》:警匪斗智乐无穷。《法国贩毒网》的幕后花絮。四大教科书场景:跟踪、飙车、拆车、枪战。音轨+笔记:无情节创作。《法国贩毒网》:好莱坞犯罪类型片的新风。警察与企业家的阶级斗争。穿越回1971年就得给他评五星。Rocker Panels。70年代的缉毒纪录片。行动是最好的立场。