火星需要妈妈的剧情介绍,在一个宁静的夜晚,少年迈洛和妈妈发生争吵。自感言语过于伤人,迈洛决定向妈妈道歉,前看见黑暗中一道强光将妈妈虏去。他一路追赶,登上了那艘神秘的飞船,竟意外来到了万里之遥的火星。原来火星人都从土壤中长出,住在火星的雌性不知如何照顾孩子,因此发明了保姆机器人,并从地球上劫持她们相中的母亲,提取她的记忆和经验输入机器人的程序中。迈洛从躲藏在火星垃圾站附近的人类格里布口中得知,妈妈的记忆在提取后将忘记一切。在格里布和火星女孩葵的帮助下,迈洛展开了营救妈妈的不可能任务…… <br /> 本片根据插画师伯克利•布雷斯德(Berkeley Breathed)的原著改编。
On Mars, the female babies are nursed by robots while the male babies are dumped in the junkyard under the command of Supervisor. They research Earth and finds that the boy Milo is raised by his Mom with love and discipline. The Martians come to Earth and abduct Mom, to use her brain to instruct the robots about how to raise children. However, Milo sneaks into the spaceship and comes to Mars. He meets Gribble, a young man that behaves like a child and together with the hippie Martian Ki and Gribble's friend Wingnut, they try to rescue Mom and bring her back to Earth. But Supervisor will give her best efforts to stop Milo and his friends.
世上只有妈妈好。相关影讯。火星已经达到社会等级最高峰了!。很尴尬的卡通片。Mars Needs Moms。有点新意 有抄袭阿凡达设计嫌疑。不得不说这片子烂的很特别。
一般 没有卡通片的可爱。故事也老套
3D版蒸汽男孩有木有啊 火星男也朋克啊 世上只有妈妈好 有妈的孩子是个宝