Wisconsin, 1953. John Gacy, Sr. forces his fat teenage son to have sexual relations with him during a fishing trip. Iowa, 1968. The adult John Wayne Gacy Jr. is convicted of sodomy and after 18 months he is released and settles in Des Plaines near Chicago. From 1972, John Wayne Gacy, Jr. grows up as a respected family father and businessman, even tipped for a political career with the Democrats. Alas, while he loudly abhors homosexuality, the monster uses the crawl space under his home for the vice of his abusive father: over 30 innocent boys and teenagers end up buried there, after horrible abuse ending in torturous death, causing it to reek unspeakably, being full of insects decomposing the stream of young corpses. Some victims worked for him, others he just picked up 'for fun' or lured in under various pretenses.
世界10大连环杀手排名第八——肥胖的杀人小丑——John Wayne Gacy 姓名∶John Wayne Gacy 外号∶「胖子」(The Fat Man)、「杀人小丑」(Killer Clown) 出生日期∶1942年3月17日 现况∶死亡,于1994年5月10日被注射毒针处决 杀人数目∶33人杀人方法∶绞杀 犯案地点∶美国东岸芝加哥(Chicago) 杀人时期:1972年至1978年12月 定罪日期∶1980年3月12日 恶行实录∶小丑该是令人快乐和引人欢笑的,但遇上由John Wayne Gacy所扮演的小丑,你只会惊慌尖叫。出生于芝加哥的他,以优异的成绩于商学院毕业,之后结了婚并成为了一名出色的销售员。他非常受所居住的社区的邻居所喜爱,特别是小孩子,因为他会扮演名叫「Pogo」的小丑去娱乐他们。但是他年青时也曾因为性骚扰男同事和意图强奸男孩...
rest in the peace
影片唯一有趣的地方是他杀的都是美少年 ~囧~