Logan is a marine serving in Iraq. While there, he finds a photo of a girl with "keep safe" written on the back. He is admiring it when his unit is attacked. He survives and credits the photo for saving him. He tries to find the owner but can't, assuming he was killed. When he goes back to the States, he finds it difficult to adjust and is still haunted by what happened. Analyzing the photo, he finds in the background a landmark that tells him she is in Louisiana. He then goes there and finds her. He learns her name is Beth. He tries to tell her what happened but can't get the words out. She assumes he's there to apply for the job they advertised looking for someone to help at her family's business, a dog kennel. He says yes but at first she gets an uneasy feeling from him but her grandmother decides to give him a chance. It isn't long that he makes a connection with her son. He then discovers that it was her brother who had the picture only he doesn't remember him. He sees that her brother's death has a profound effect on her. Eventually they get close which makes her grandmother happy but not her ex who is a deputy sheriff who's always threatening to take their son away from her.
《幸运符》:不必带大脑去看的电影。你是我的幸运吗?。让人想吐槽的电影。一场失败的姐弟恋。缘分天定。Well...First Of All...I Like Zac Afron。。爱情永远的话题。宿命。我来讲讲这个“俗套”的电影为什么好看。电影慢谈之[0193] The Lucky One 幸运符。
罗根(扎克•埃夫隆 Zac Efron 饰)是一名美国海军陆战队的中士,在战场上意外获得的一张女孩的照片。罗根三番两次的从伊拉克的战斗任务中死里逃生,战友们都称她是他的幸运女神。身边的战友都在意外的战斗破坏中阵亡,只有罗根幸存下来,因此罗根也把这张照片看成了他的幸运符,并对照片中的女孩心存感激之情。服役结束后,他回到了美国本土,决心找到这名照片上的陌生女孩。于是罗根带着猎狗步行横穿了多个美国的城市,四处询问后,终于找到了照片上这名叫做贝丝(泰勒•席林 Taylor Schilling 饰)的女孩的住处。在机缘巧合下罗根应聘成了贝丝所经营的动物会所的员工。两人在朝夕相处中渐渐相熟相知,罗根也在渐渐熟悉了贝丝复杂的生活后,对她产生了除去感谢之外的爱恋之情… 改编自“美国男琼瑶”尼古拉斯•斯帕克斯的小说《幸运符》,又名《分手信》。该片是其被搬上银幕的第七本...
看了一半看不下去 太老套了,唯一能看的就是zac的身材。