A movie that revolves around three main protagonists - 52 year old Tan Bo Seng, 17 year old Benny his teenage son and 36 year old Jeremy, Bo Seng's 'adopted' brother - and their accidental journey in seeking and keeping love and happiness. Bo Seng leads a routine life. Attempts to revive the passion with his wife Jia Li cannot improve their stale love life. Jeremy lives a colourful life, colourful in reference to his long list of girlfriends. "Never to commit" is his motto for love. Benny has just school life, his only vice is anything to do with the computer, his only distraction is his crush, Jennifer, his classmate's girl. Bo Seng & Jia Li the old fashion couple has more misses than hits in the love department and a series of madness spin off one night ... Jeremy meets Benny's teacher, Ms Wong - a lady, unlike the wild things he has had. His charm wins him her heart, but his Casanova means refuse to take a back seat, a new lady friend threatens to change his life ... Benny starts to see hope in relationships, when Jennifer notices him and invites him over to her place. Over the visit, Jennifer's friendly attention, takes a turn into something that Benny wish he has not been... "Love Matters" is a humorous and entertaining look at love, happiness and issues concerning our straight laced society.
伤什么别伤感情。。very ok。
梁智强监制的贺岁片《幸福万岁》找了曾导过《S11》的本地新人导演陈启全当导演,陈启全与张嘉仁联导,陈启全能否在梁监制的“指导”下,在贺岁期间顺利登上300万元票房的导演,备受瞩目。 《幸福万岁》剧本花了一年半创作,以英文书写,剧组再译成中文。陈启全之前与张嘉仁联导的《S11》上画与下画都匆匆,票房只有2229元。梁智强除了看上陈导演的丰富广告经验,也看到他具“商业”的前景,因为S11就是S+11=
。另外,《幸》成本200万马币(约84万新元),梁智强这几年来的电影成本都不少过100万新元,《幸》破了例,看来有以小博大的野心。《幸》是部寻爱的浪漫喜剧,剧情小品温馨,主要探讨三代间关系,一对是结婚多年的40多岁夫妇,另两对分别30多岁与青春年少。 陈木成(程旭辉饰),52岁,为人古板保守,是典型的中年华籍男子。由于妻子家丽(杨雁雁饰)忙于家务,夫妻间缺...