猛鬼屋的剧情介绍,凡纳克精神疗养院内的研究人员曾进行秘密的生物试验,该试验造成病患和医护人员接连死亡。最终,该疗养院废弃,多年来荒凉阴森,无人敢近,成为远近闻名的恐怖鬼屋。 <br /> 性格怪异的亿万富翁史蒂芬•普莱斯(Geoffrey Rush杰佛瑞•罗许 饰)决定在凡纳克精神疗养院为妻子艾芙琳(Famke Janssen 芬卡•杰森 饰)举行一场别出心裁的生日派对,他邀请六个人前来,只要他们敢在这幢“鬼屋”中待上一晚,就有机会获得一百万美元的奖金。挑战者慕名前来,却不知真正的恐怖正等待着他们…… <br /> 本片荣获2000年百视达娱乐奖最佳男配角奖(Taye Diggs)。
When an eccentric millionaire offer a group of opposites $1,000,000 to spend the night in a so called "Haunted House" with a murderous past, they figure it is a quick way to get quick money and leave. All of them are sure it is some made up story just to mess with their heads a little and test their courage. But, once they stay in the house they start to think about the mistake they made in coming there when mysterious things start to happen.
难得一见的欧美恐怖片,根本就没有评价得那么差!给五星不为过!。不是不报时候未到。豆瓣观众太歧视恐怖片了。螳螂捕蝉猛鬼在后,鹬蚌相争鬼翁得利。。影评 猛鬼屋。短评写不下~.........。关于结尾求助。恐怖片老套路,剧情还算有意思。这故事导演想表达个神马尼?。为啥只有血腥。电影是好电影,网站太垃圾。