虎胆龙威4的剧情介绍,某年7月4日,周末,正在休假的约翰•麦卡伦(布鲁斯•威利斯 饰)接到一个新任务:逮捕黑客马特•法莱尔(贾斯汀•朗 饰),然后送到FBI那里接受审讯。 <br /> 其实,事情并没有看上去那么简单:极端恐怖分子经过周密策划之后,准备利用黑客技术,在美国独立日当天让全美国的计算机系统集体瘫痪,从而达到他们控制全球的阴谋。而且,幕后黑手托马斯•加布里埃尔(提摩西•欧里芬特 饰)为了阻止麦卡伦插手这件事情,为他准备了一大堆机关障碍,其中包括绑架他的女儿露西。 <br /> 老英雄遇上了新问题,在马特•法莱尔的帮助下,麦卡伦继续“生猛”……
When someone hacks into the computers at the FBI's Cyber Crime Division; the Director decides to round up all the hackers who could have done this. When he's told that because it's the 4th of July most of their agents are not around so they might have trouble getting people to get the hackers. So he instructs them to get local PD'S to take care of it. And one of the cops they ask is John McClane who is tasked with bringing a hacker named Farrell to the FBI. But as soon as he gets there someone starts shooting at them. McClane manages to get them out but they're still being pursued. And it's just when McClane arrives in Washington that the whole system breaks down and chaos ensues.
人捧戏,戏也捧人。我的虎胆龙威心得。《虎胆龙威4》北美首映场。重温还是很好看。热血沸腾。纽约警察杀人狂。活着免费或者死亡艰难?。迈克兰警官的第四次出击。Die Impossible。断了网的老美 瘸了腿的老虎。
Maggie Q、Cyril Raffaelli、贾斯汀朗神马的都是浮云啊浮云~Bruce真是气场足,光头更是大亮~~~Mary Elizabeth Winstead长直发好漂亮啊,Scott Pilgrim里面那个Ramona发型真是糟蹋人呢~~~