坐火车的女人的剧情介绍,雾霭缭绕,堆积如山的行李,古旧破烂,记载着主人和家族所经历的不平凡的历史。那月台的末端,女人消瘦疲惫的身形兀自站立,沉重的行李几乎将她的身子压垮,她沉默寡言,充满惶恐的双眼掩饰不住内心的焦灼。少顷,列车呼啸而过,几乎将女人的身体和灵魂卷入车轮。拥挤不堪的车厢内,女人蜷缩角落,她小心翼翼观察周围的乘客,他们或酣睡、或玩耍、或阅读、或不怀好意,空气中仿佛弥漫腐烂死亡的气息。落日余晖绝望地消失在地平线,无尽的黑夜,恐惧蔓延…… <br /> 该片创作者此前在加拿大境内乘坐火车,进行为期两周的素材收集,并荣获2008年第80届奥斯卡金像奖最佳动画短片提名。
Madame Tutli-Putli boards the Night Train, weighed down with all her earthly possessions and the ghosts of her past. She travels alone, facing both the kindness and menace of strangers. As day descends into dark, she finds herself caught up in a desperate metaphysical adventure. Adrift between real and imagined worlds, Madame Tutli-Putli confronts her demons and is drawn into an undertow of mystery and suspense. The National Film Board of Canada presents a stunning, stop-motion animated film that takes the viewer on an exhilarating existential journey. The film introduces groundbreaking visual techniques and is supported by a haunting and original score. Painstaking care and craftsmanship in form and detail bring to life a fully imagined, tactile world unlike any you have seen. Jungian thriller? Hitchcockian suspense? Artistic tour de force? The Night Train awaits you.