积爱之人的剧情介绍,拥有壮美风光的北海道,迎来了饱经风霜的夫妇小林笃史(佐藤浩市 饰)和良子(樋口可南子 饰)。夫妇俩原本经营一家机械制造厂,但因经营不善而被迫关张。良子感受到丈夫的失落,因此拜托笃史为他们西式风格的独栋修建石墙。某晚家中进入小偷,良子受到冲撞后受伤。医生建议她重视自己所患的扩张性心肌病,可是良子却对丈夫隐瞒下这个事实,并与来帮助他们修筑石墙的青年杉本彻(野村周平 饰)及其女友纱英(杉咲花 饰)度过一段无忧无虑的梦幻时光。该来的总会到来,携手半生,总有诀别的时刻…… <br /> 本片根据美国作家Edward Mooney, Jr.2002年发表的小说《The Pearls of the Stone Man》(日译:石を積むひと)改编。
Atsushi was a dedicated and serious worker for all of his adult life. Now retired to the northern territory of Hokkaido with his wife Ryoko, Atsushi is at a loss with what to do with all the time on his hands. As Atsushi busies himself with erecting a stone gate to surround their new home, a local lad is recruited to help, the couple's reconciling daughter comes to visit and Ryoko holds a secret close to her bosom.