魔鬼骑士的剧情介绍,在一部谋杀亲夫的血腥恐怖电影片场,怪模怪样的导演正在吹毛求疵。他面对镜头,开始给观众展示一个新的故事:新墨西哥州的某小镇附近,一名逃逸者用车祸拖延追索后经人指点入住了一家由教堂改造成的旅馆,这里聚集着几个落寞的住客,旅馆服务员杰瑞琳(Jada Pinkett Smith 饰)对工作好不耐烦。追逐者在车祸现场通过警察的帮助寻至旅馆,他声称名为布雷克的逃逸者偷走了他的钥匙瓶,但被拆穿后马上露出了魔鬼的真面目。原来布雷克是救世主的继承者,凭借钥匙瓶内的圣血,布雷克与众人将魔鬼抵御在旅馆之外,魔鬼和召唤魔们不断用强攻与幻术试图闯入,危急关头,布雷克将救世主的使命传递给杰瑞琳…… <br /> 本片导演在大银幕和电视上皆有《幽冥怪谈》的系列作品,这部《魔鬼骑士》是先声之作。主角Jada Pinkett Smith后来在《黑客帝国》系列中大出风头。
Brayker is a man who carries the last of seven keys, special containers which held the blood of Christ and were scattered across the universe to prevent the forces of evil from taking over. If The Collector gets the last key, the universe will fall into Chaos, and he has been tracking Brayker all the way to a small inn in a nowhere town. And now the final battle for the universe begins......