金刚王:死亡救赎的剧情介绍,金刚王(释延能 饰)有这一段悲惨的童年遭遇,年幼的他遭奸人拐卖,被卖到了日本的哈迪斯神社,在那里,等待着金刚王的,是充满了鲜血和汗水的残酷训练,目的只有一个,那就是将他塑造成为令人闻风丧胆的冷酷杀手。 <br /> 金刚王成功了,练就了一身技艺的他最终成为了组织内部的第一杀手,之后,金刚王借机逃回中国,并遇见了南少林宗师,放下屠刀立地成佛。没过多久,哈迪斯组织就在南少林的脚下建立起了一座高大的客家土楼,在那里,有着三个传说级别的擂台,各地高手汇聚于此,一争高下。然而,日方真正的意图,其实是从精神上摧毁中国人民抗日的意志和信心。得知此事,金刚王挺身而出,与自己的东家为敌,走上了擂台。
Before the West entered World War II, a Japanese death cult called the Temple of Hades is ordered to aid in the spiritual destruction of China. Their method - abduct their enemies' children and train them as killers for the Emperor. Young Vajra was especially gifted, but swears a secret oath of revenge when his brother dies. Now the greatest assassin in the temple, Vajra escapes to China and begins his quest to protect the innocent, and destroy the ones responsible for making him a living weapon. A former Shaolin monk, martial arts action star Xing Yu (aka Shi Yanneng) stars as Vajra in his first leading role.