尘与雪的剧情介绍,《尘与雪》是一部美得足以令人窒息的纪录片,它是一部活动的摄影集,每一帧单独抽出来都可以成为令人驻足观赏并流连忘返的摄影精品。影片始动于1999年,加拿大籍摄影师格利高里·考伯特(Gregory Colbert)的作品受到许多收藏家的青睐。在此之后,他的足迹更延伸到埃塞俄比亚、纳米比亚、汤加等国家。在那里,人与大象、鲸鱼、花豹、老鹰、、山猫等野生动物毫不违和地出现在同一画面中。他们彼此依靠,和谐共存,言语在绝美的画面前失去了用途,每次呼吸都成就了灵魂对生命的膜拜。 <br /> 羽变火,火变血,血变骨,骨变髓,髓变尘,尘变雪。生命周而复始,生生不息。这是一次对自然的无上赞颂。
Ashes and Snow, a film by Gregory Colbert, uses both still and movie cameras to explore extraordinary interactions between humans and animals. The 60-minute feature is a poetic narrative rather than a documentary. It aims to lift the natural and artificial barriers between humans and other species, dissolving the distance that exists between them.
【尘与雪旁白】中文旁白。无限接近,无限失去。他创造了一个了无生趣的梦想世界。Learn to dream with one eye open。无意义的梦。Listen to the songs of Eden。是电影或者也是诗——旁白。自然之魂。《尘与雪》的摄影总谱分析。宁静若渊。
Ashes and Snow