寻找幸福的起点的剧情介绍,生活对于六岁的男孩凡亚(柯里亚·史比里道诺夫 Kolya Spiridonov 饰)来说并不轻松,从小就在孤儿院长大他早就练了八面玲珑的处世技巧。一日,凡亚被告知即将被一对意大利夫妇领养,同伴们羡慕的眼光让他不经对未来的生活有了几分美好的相像。一个女人的到来打碎了凡亚松赛夫的幻想,女人想要寻找自己早已被人领养的孩子,却遭到了无情的辱骂,绝望的她最终选择了卧轨自杀。 <br /> 在得知了此情此景之后,凡亚想到了自己的母亲,只要一想到母亲可能会眼含着泪水前来寻找早已身处异国他乡的自己,凡亚就痛苦万分。几经思量,凡亚决定主动去寻找自己的母亲,在经历了一番准备之后,男孩上路了。
Vanya is a 6 year old orphan living in a rundown orphanage in a remote Russian village. For Vanya and the other children, life is without hope, unless, of course, they are adopted by wealthy foreigners. For Vanya, hope comes in the form of an Italian couple. But while arrangements are being made an incident occurs when the mother of another child appears, seeking her son. Vanya begins to wonder what would happen if his own mother reappeared, and he was living in Italy.With the assistance of older children, Vanya is able to access his records and find the possible whereabouts of his mother. He escapes and travels across the country, pursued by the adoption agents.
寻找幸福的起点。寻找幸福的起点。The Italian。意大利人。6岁男孩的信念。爱的起点。傻瓜才悲伤。孩子,明媚地笑了。幸福是没有起点的。幸福在哪里?。
略嫌平淡 韵味不足 俄罗斯电影很多是过于内省 在表达上经常有所欠缺
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