豺狼计划的剧情介绍,“狼吃羊”的游戏有三条准则:一是避免怀疑;二是欺骗朋友;三是消灭朋友。 <br /> 欧文•马修斯(朱利安•莫里斯 饰)转到了西湖中学学习,在这里,他认识了新朋友,道喆(林迪•布斯饰)、急性子的汤姆(杰尔德•帕达勒基饰)等人。这些人都是一个“撒谎俱乐部”的成员,他们经常玩一个“狼吃羊”的游戏。这个游戏强调伪装与欺骗。 <br /> 一天,一名年轻女子在学校附近被杀害,警方无任何线索。“撒谎俱乐部”决定把这个故事演变成一个“校园怪谈”。他们在网络上发布假消息,虚构出一个绰号“恶狼”的变态杀人犯,并称“下一个被害者将是学校里的同学。” <br /> “撒谎俱乐部”的各位深深沉醉在编造谎言的快感之中,却不想谎言居然成真!同学一个个遭遇不幸。究竟“恶狼”是谁?
Nobody believes a liar - even when they're telling the truth. When a young woman is found murdered, a group of local high school students decide to further scare their classmates by spreading online rumors that a serial killer called "The Wolf" is on the loose. By describing "The Wolf's" next victims, the students' game is to see how many people they can convince - and if anyone will uncover the lie. But when the described victims actually do start turning up dead, suddenly no one knows where the lies end and the truth begins. As someone or something begins hunting the students themselves, the game turns terrifyingly real.
1.Avoid suspicion 避免被猜忌2.Manipulate your friends 利用你的朋友 3.Eliminate your enemies 除去你的敌人.......... Honestly,Oven,even that were true..who would believe you?好吧,欧文,即使这些都是真的.......谁会相...
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