灵幻夹克的剧情介绍,时空的转换,现在与未来的穿梭,都在杰克(亚德里安·布洛迪 Adrien Brody 饰)身上神奇的发生着。他本来是一个参与过海湾战争的美国军人。意外中弹令他丧失了记忆,成为一个失忆者。继而更倒霉的是,他被警方认作杀人疑犯拉回审讯。因为判定为精神疾病,杰克免于坐牢,只是被带到精神病院,作为某项科学实验的样品。 <br /> 医生为杰克穿上了紧身衣物,把他放进停尸间。这里黑暗冰冷,只剩下零散的记忆碎片陪伴杰克。碎片中有着他将来的模样,有着一个心爱的叫杰基(凯拉·奈特利 Keira Knightley饰)的女子,更有着自己快要死去的讯息。在记忆中看到将来的杰克,在一线希望中寻找着通往生机的钥匙。
The film centers on a wounded Gulf war veteran who returns to his native Vermont suffering from bouts of amnesia. He is hitching and gets picked up by a stranger, things go pear shaped when a cop pulls them over and is murdered by the stranger. The vet. is wrongly accused of killing the cop and lands up in an asylum. A quack doctor prescribes a course of experimental therapy, restraining him in a heavy duty straight jacket-like device, and locks him away in a body drawer of the basement morgue. During course of his treatment he gets flashbacks and visions of his future , where he can foresee he is to die in four days time. The catch is he doesn't know how. Thus commences the classic race against time.
改变爱人的命运。我好深井泵,重看了一遍,写了好多字,算是剧透吧。。我们还有多少时间?。关于结局的那句:how much time do we have。神秘主义还是科幻。转贴的,感觉分析很深刻,推荐。生命的意义。。灵幻夹克。真的可以叫惊悚么?。欲罢不能。
插曲《quiet inside》声音庸懒而闲散,淡淡的木吉他.... 加上那独特忧郁的嗓音,无可抵挡的寂寞蔓延开来. 但用心去聆听,瞬间便可得到安静 .... 沉沉入睡,深深沉醉... 悲凉得声音,反而演出完美得透彻.