Charlie Sykes and his girlfriend Rachel Clark are traveling to Las Vegas to secretly get married to each other. The decide to follow through a secondary road, and while fueling their car in "Sam's Last Chance" gas station, they are advised by the owner and attendant Sam to not sleep after the second tree in the road. They fall asleep in the car, and a policeman arrests Rachel. Charlie returns to the gas station, and Sam tells him that she has been arrested by a Hellcop, and he has to go to hell if he wants to rescue his fiancée.
黑警大排档地狱,“都是为你好”混泥土铺路地狱,床上运动老妖地狱,各国历代军佬摩天楼地狱,再加一个碇元度终结者,可以的;Ben Stiller 一家都在这部戏里打酱油也是有点厉害
6.9/10 之前在德版的《死灵之书》蓝光碟花絮中看到了这片的预告片,但由于这片在内地实在不出名所以一直没机会看到。如今有幸看完了,感觉挺好玩的,还有地狱的小鬼为什么都生着安迪沃霍尔的脸?
就是那个时代的感觉 有点疯狂麦克斯的感觉