◎导演◎ 山村浩二 Koji Yamamura
◎编剧◎ 米村正二 Shoji Yonemura
◎主演◎ Takeharu Kunimoto
头山的剧情介绍,头山先生是一个极为节俭和悭吝的人,他将掉落在公园地上的樱桃节回家吃掉,未灭浪费甚至把樱桃核也吃了进去。不久,头山先生的头顶长出一根小树苗,无论他怎样处理小树苗还是顽强地长大。最后,头山先生索性不去管它,任其经历风吹日晒,春夏秋冬。时过境迁,小树苗长成一棵漂亮的樱桃树,人们络绎不绝来到他的头顶赏樱花…… <br /> 本片根据日本的古老寓言改编,全片一万多张手绘画稿全部由导演山村浩二一人完成,日本传统的落语和三味线担任旁白和配乐。该片荣获2003年安纳西国际动画电影节最佳动画短片奖、2004年广岛国际动画电影节大奖、2004年萨格勒布世界动画电影节大奖。
A miserly man eats the pits of some cherries he can't stand throwing out. A tree starts growing from the top of his head. He cuts it off; it grows back. After a while, he gives up and lets it grow, but the crowds that gather on top of his head to enjoy the tree (and leave huge mounds of trash) eventually drive him to uproot the tree. This leaves a crater on top of his head, which fills with water, which becomes a popular lake.