身体里有只猫的狗狗的剧情介绍,有一只大黄狗,它的身体里住着一只猫,它们常常因为不同的意见产生矛盾,猫想去左边追老鼠,狗却更想靠近右边的小母狗。它们互相拉扯穿梭在车水马龙、灯火辉煌的城市街道。 <br /> 夜幕降临,狗睡着了,猫只能干瞪着眼发呆,好不容易盼来的主动示好者也被狗的一阵狂吼吓跑了。同样,因为猫的反叛,狗也无法接近自己的同类。直到有一天,它们遇到了一只身体里住着狗狗的猫。
A dog has a cat inside him. The two fight to get on, with one's desires always getting in the way of the other's. However the conflict cannot go on forever and the two learn the hard way to find common ground and work out something for themselves.
The Dog Who Was A Cat Inside.avi