A physics professor approaching middle age decides to change his life with unexpected results. A rising young prosecuting attorney's plans are thrown into disarray as the result of a single careless act while distracted. A woman reluctantly faces her husband's infidelity. An envious insurance claims manager with family problems seeks revenge on a cheerful coworker, but has second thoughts. And an optimistic young cleaning woman awaits a miracle, only to have her faith shaken by a traumatic event. These ordinary people all find themselves asking the fundamental question philosophers have pondered throughout history: What is happiness, and how does one achieve it?
在命运的下一个交叉口 你又会遇见什么。命运的十三个交叉口。
Thirteen Conversations About One Thing 0
《命运的十三个交叉口》命题是关于"生活",更精确来说是烂透了的生活,藉由多位毫不相关的角色,他们的无心之过却对另一个生命造成严重冲击。毫无疑问人一生中都在追求幸福快乐的生活,然而现实总是背道而驰,看了这部电影我们明白理想遥不可及,即使达到也是一时的绚烂而已,唯有坚守信念、乐观面对才是长治久安之道。 影片之初,一个老人告诫一意气风发的律师好运是不可能持久的,指出一名中了两百万乐透彩的员工当下辞职不乾,结果亲朋好友人人觊觎这意外之财,发财后的生活反而不好过,过不了多久又回公司上班了。这名律师不以为意,他认为今日成就全是自己辛苦打拼的结果,绝非运气,结果当天晚上他因为酒醉驾车肇事,果然乐极生悲。更由于身为律师之故,对于法律责任心知肚明,让他更无法接受事实而近乎情绪崩溃。 一名高中物理老师,对于自己即将迈入一成不变的生活感到害怕,他出外寻找刺激却仍然无法填补...
遭遇了这辈子最诡异的字幕 但这种片子真是我大大大大大爱!(而且居然也是环形结构的叙事。。
what do you exactly want? what everybody wants. To experience life ,to wake up enthused , to be happy .
what does it mean to be happy? Will there be certain formulas? How does luck come into play in this? If life only makes sense when we look backwards, then how do we make it meaningful if we only can m...