追梦高手的剧情介绍,一個沉迷頗深的賭徒康納歐尼爾(基努李維飾),他非常喜歡在運動比賽上下賭注,弄得他常常生活拮据、四處借貸,使得他的朋友也不堪其擾,最後他的朋友要他接下一份工作否則就不幫他清償賭債—他要成為一個企業贊助的青少年棒球隊的教練。 <br /> 剛開始這群小鬼頭完全無法進入狀況,讓康納頭痛不已,不知道要如何訓練他們,而他們更因為各自家庭背景的關係也產生了許多摩擦和隔閡,可是在每天相處的情況之下讓他們之間的互動越來越有默契,也讓彼此更加了解對方。 <br /> 另一方面更吸引康納的是這群小鬼頭的美麗級任導師,這使得康納對於這份工作越來越有熱誠,竟然擺脫了他生平最大的興趣—賭博。 <br /> 同時康納帶著這群小鬼過關斬將,在當地小聯盟球賽中所向披靡,而他們最終的目標就是贏得冠軍……
Bright, well-educated, handsome Conor O'Neill's promising future was wrecked by his gambling addiction, which dragged him into heavy drinking and petty crime, but worst of all, the stifling grip of loan-shark bookies. Desperate for a loan, he accepts to stand in for lawyer friend Jimmy Fleming as coach of a Chicago black 'projects' ghetto Little League baseball team. His sense of pride, becoming the boys' sole idol, and competition, plus their attractive teacher, motivate Conor. But the crushing loan problem rather requires leaving town.