◎导演◎ 杜琪峰 Johnnie To
◎编剧◎ 阮继志 Kai-Chi Yun
◎主演◎ 梁朝伟 Tony Leung Chiu Wai / 黄秋生 Anthony Wong Chau-Sang / 张艾嘉 Sylvia Chang / 郑则仕 Kent Cheng / 苑琼丹 King-Tan Yuen / 岑建勋 John Sham / 郑柏林 Jacky Cheng / 黄一飞 Yut Fei Wong / 黄新 Sun Wong / 桑妮 Sonny Song
踢到宝的剧情介绍,狠心舅父陈有(黄秋生 饰)串同贼人绑架外甥小宝(小柏林 饰),小宝不幸遇害。其父母伤心过度,决定移民离开这个伤心地。临行前他们为屋子装上先进的防盗锁,而巨额赎金和小宝的鬼魂则留在屋中。 <br /> 陈有千方百计想要拿到赎金,却因防范严密而屡屡失手。情急之下,他重金聘请热心电子仪器的咪表收银员亚伟(梁朝伟 饰)和亚肥(郑则仕 饰)潜入屋中,偷盗藏有赎金的玩具猫,二人不知底细,欣然同意,却在屋中遭到小宝的戏弄,却也籍此知道了小宝遇害的始末……
Two inventors encounter a friendly little ghost, and stumble onto a plot to capture the ghost's uncle who was responsible for his untimely death. However, the inventors are warned by a spiritual master that humans and ghosts cannot co-exist in the same room at the same time. Doing so would cause a drainage of humans' life force.