红色代码的剧情介绍,第二次世界大战,苏德之间爆发了著名的斯大林格勒战役,200万人在这场战役中死亡。据悉苏联人在战争中采用某种生化武器实施了生化种族灭绝,德国士兵汉斯的日记隐约记录了这疯狂的一切。时间到了现代,美国中情局得到消息,其位于保加利亚的基地出现异常状况,可靠消息表明苏联人竭尽全力抹杀和掩藏的生化武器正藏在那里。约翰·麦加希上尉(保罗·罗根 Paul Logan 饰)奉命以化工厂调查官的身份进入保加利亚,并和曾亲眼目睹可怕一幕的军医安娜·贝内特(Manal El-Feitury 饰)接头了解此事。 <br /> 然而灾难不可避免地爆发了,感染到生化气体的人全部变成嗜血如命、凶残成性的行尸走肉。平静的城市顿时变作杀戮地狱……
In World War II, Stalin created a top secret nerve gas, which went missing shortly after the Battle of Stalingrad. Over seventy years later, the horrific biochemical weapon resurfaces in modern day Bulgaria, turning the local inhabitants into frenzied mutants and causing the dead to rise from the grave. Amidst the chaos, US Special Forces Captain John McGahey (Paul Logan) and NATO Doctor Ana Bennett (Manal El-Feitury) must escape the infected zone before the Code Red alert is raised and everything is destroyed. Now it's survival at all costs...