It's Harlem 1987. Sixteen year old Claireece Jones - who goes by her middle name Precious - is an illiterate, overweight black girl. She is pregnant with her second child, both children fathered by her biological father, who has continually raped her since she was a child, but who she doesn't see otherwise. Her infant daughter, Mongo - such named since she has Down Syndrome - lives with Precious' grandmother. Precious lives with her mother Mary, who abuses Precious both physically and emotionally. Mary does nothing but smoke, watch television and collect welfare through fraud (as she doesn't ever look for a job) and believes that education does nothing for Precious, who she would rather also collect welfare if only to bring money into the household. To escape her life, Precious often daydreams of herself in glamorous situations. Because of her current pregnancy, Precious' principal transfers her into an alternative school. In dealing with the school's sympathetic teacher Miss Blu Rain, Precious begins to believe that she can have a future by learning how to read and write. Despite some devastating news from her mother following the birth of her child, Precious also begins to believe she can escape the grips of her abusive mother, who, up to this point, was Precious' only real support.
至情至性百转千回的残酷物语。。美丽Precious的自我认同。曙光。没有经历过不能说懂得。我不梦,我只安心。对不起,我的珍爱。《珍爱》野生动物园一样的家。《珍爱》电影剧本。父母皆祸害...。life is hard and tough,but so what?。剑匣。
上世纪80年代,又胖又丑的黑人女孩叫克拉丽丝·珍爱·琼斯(嘉伯蕾·西蒂比 Gabourey Sidibe 饰)和暴虐的母亲依靠救济金一起生活,目不识丁的她给自己取名珍爱。年仅16岁的她有个智障女儿的同时还怀有两个月的身孕,而孩子们的父亲就是强奸她的父亲。珍爱时常幻想着自己有迷人的舞姿,有艳丽的舞台,还有一个帅气的男友,而这些只存在于她的白日梦里,现实中的她不但要忍受外人的侮辱,而且还要想办法应付自己亲生母亲的讽刺和刁难。直到她被学校退学并被介绍到一对一选修学校,在那里她认识到其他几个问题少女以及一个让她们每天都写日记的老师布鲁·瑞恩。珍爱慢慢的重新燃起了对生活的热情,可是她却发现自己感染了艾滋病。在希望和不幸的夹缝里,珍爱将何去何从? 影片由萨菲尔(Sapphire)的小说《推》(Push)改编。第82届奥斯卡上荣获最佳改编剧本和最佳女配角两项大奖;...
选题很audacious,但处理的有些kitsch并用了太多stereotype和俗套。相比之下,The Wire的对相同问题的处理要现实得多、elegant得多。但鉴于诸多演员的出色表演,还是给5星好了。