More than just a biography, this film explores Bruce Lee's global impact to see how he has influenced all areas of popular culture including fitness, cinema, music, sport, dance, video games and philosophy. A journey across the United States, Asia and Europe, takes Shannon Lee on a trip back to her father's roots in Hong Kong and China. With unique access to the family's photographic archive, home movies and all material owned by the Bruce Lee Foundation.
“把杯子里的水倒掉,才能装得进茶”。很棒的片子。非常惊诧于李小龙对全世界的影响有如此之多、如此之大。李小龙就是改变了世界。中国人骨子里的自卑和自我轻视。Be water。李小龙如何改变了世界?。
How Bruce Lee Changed the World (www.kinokopilka.tv)
he changed the world.
仔细看来李小龙的动作真是迅猛 (ps 又把朝鲜镜头当中国。。标语都不改一下。。)
奇怪 一堆谈话 翻来覆去能制作出一部电影~~~~~~~和哲学有关系??