海贼王剧场版1:黄金岛冒险的剧情介绍,在遥远的东海海域,曾经有一位人称黄金大海贼的海盗名叫邬南。他从来不欺凌百姓,只与其他邪恶的海贼拼杀,并由此聚敛了堆积如山占世界总量三分之一的黄金,他的财富可以将夜晚照得亮如白昼。邬南将这些黄金藏在一个不知名的小岛上,随后不知去向。众海贼们无不垂涎于那座黄金山,而邬南手下当初绘制的藏宝图更成为海贼们竞相追逐的对象。 <br /> 再次遭遇饥饿困扰的草帽海贼团遇到了一心脱离贫困的小男孩飞男,从他的口中,路飞得知了邬南及其黄金岛的秘密,于是决定向小岛进发。与此同时,邪恶的海贼黄金龙也正驾船接近小岛。多支人马在小岛相遇,看来一场精彩拼杀在所难免……
There once was a pirate known as the Great Gold Pirate Woonan, who obtained almost 1/3 of the world's gold. Over the course of a few years, the pirate's existence faded, and a legend grew that he disappeared with his gold to a remote island, an island pirates continue to search for. Aboard the Going Merry, Luffy and his crew, starved and reckless, are robbed of their treasure. In an attempt to get it back, they wreck the getaway ship, guided by a young boy named Tabio, who's a captured part of El Drago's pirate crew. El Drago's love for gold has driven him to look for Woonan's island, and thanks to Woonan's treasure map, he finds it. During this time, Luffy's crew have been split up, and despite their own circumstances, they must find a way to stop El Drago from obtaining Woonan's gold.
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