
杀戮战警 2000/[BT下载/迅雷下载]

发布时间:2016-07-04 来源:本站编辑
黑豹神探 / 辣手刑警 / 铁杆神探
John Singleton
Samuel L. Jackson/Vanessa Williams/Jeffrey Wright/Christian Bale/Busta Rhymes/Toni Collette
英语 / 德语 / 西班牙语
美国 / 德国
华特(克里斯蒂安·贝尔 Christian Bale 饰)是目无王法的纨绔子弟,因为杀害了一名黑人学生而被沙夫特(塞缪尔·杰克逊 Samuel L. Jackson 饰)捉拿归案。无奈华特的家里有权有势,仅仅略施小计就令华特无罪释放。然而,

杀戮战警的剧情介绍,华特(克里斯蒂安·贝尔 Christian Bale 饰)是目无王法的纨绔子弟,因为杀害了一名黑人学生而被沙夫特(塞缪尔·杰克逊 Samuel L. Jackson 饰)捉拿归案。无奈华特的家里有权有势,仅仅略施小计就令华特无罪释放。然而,重获自由的华特却并不懂得珍惜,他对让自己丢了面子的沙夫特恨之入骨,发誓一定要除之而后快。 <br />   沙夫特因为坚守内心里的正义,因此树敌众多,想要取他性命的,除了华特以外,还有曾经被他羞辱过的毒枭和在警察局里贪污受贿的刑警。性命同样受到威胁的,还有目击了华特杀人现场的证人,沙夫特必须早华特一步找到他,将他保护起来。

New York Police Detective John Shaft is the lead detective on a sensitive case, a young black man is severely beaten. The man's companions tell Shaft that their friend humiliated the one who was sprouting racial slurs at him. Shaft confronts him and he says he's Walter Wade Jr. , the son of a wealthy man. Shaft finds that he has the id of a woman who's a waitress at the bar where Wade and the guy who was attacked were. When Wade continues to hurl racist comments, Shaft smacks him. Shaft later learns because of his actions Wade was granted bail and fled. Two years later, Wade returns and Shaft arrests him. At his hearing when the judge grants him bail, that's when Shaft throws his badge at the judge. He then sets out to get Wade by finding the waitress. Wade in the meantime asks a drug dealer named Peoples Hernandez to find the waitress and make sure she doesn't talk.




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  • [杀戮战警].Shaft.2000.HDRip.XviD-TLF.cd2.avi480P
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