爱和一颗子弹的剧情介绍,毕马利从小生长在不健全的家庭,长大最后成为黑道上的顶尖杀手。马利中意外中见到老大班齐的未婚妻欣达, 而开始被她著迷。因马利动了脱离组织的念头,老大班齐杀了马利身边的杀手女友海莲以示警告。班齐也同时怀疑欣达对自己不忠,要马利在确认欣达不忠后杀死欣达,马利因此陷入一场天人交战。
While staking out his next assignment--the innocent girlfriend of his notorious boss--contract killer Malik reflects on the dark path he's chosen but cannot escape. Torn between his sense of duty and his newfound sense of humanity, he finds that the only way out is a perilous showdown with men who are every bit as cold-blooded as he is.