地球战场的剧情介绍,公元3000年,强大的外星人成为地球上当之无愧的统治者,原有的地球人已濒临灭绝。残存的人类早已没有文明可言,他们沦为外星人的奴隶,生死未卜。时外星人头目特尔(约翰·特拉沃尔塔 John Travolta 饰)统领地球的一切,在他恐怖的统治下,奴隶们大多信奉宿命,时刻祈祷众神眷顾这片被遗忘的土地。而年轻人强尼(贝瑞·派伯 Barry Pepper 饰)却决心改变自己和族人的命运。实力悬殊的抗争由此展开…… <br /> 本片改编自科幻小说家L·罗恩·哈伯德的著作《世界末日后史》,并获2001年金酸梅奖最烂演主角、最烂导演、最烂摄影、最烂银幕拍档、最烂剧本、最烂男配角、最烂女配角等7个奖项,进而当选为十年烂片之最。
In the year 3000, humanity is no match for the Psychlos, a greedy, manipulative race on a quest for ultimate profit. Led by the seductive and powerful Terl, the Psychlos are stripping Earth of its resources, using the broken remnants of humanity as slaves. What is left of the human race has reverted to a primitive state, believing the invaders to be demons and technology to be evil. After humanity has all but given up any hope of freeing themselves from alien oppression, a young man named Tyler decides to leave his desolate home high in the Rocky Mountains to discover the truth, whereupon he is captured and enslaved. It is then that he decides to fight back, leading his fellow man in one final struggle for freedom.
烂片之旅:《地球战场》的故事。知识改变命运,但拯救不了烂片。我看过原著小说可以么?。哇,居然进TOP10 了。
我的娘啊,这么一部超赞小说被你们弄成了2.3分... 扮相真得太丑了..... 丑就丑呗,从头到尾还只有一种很恶心的表情.....
当年还是LOLI的时候觉得是还行的...打三分 现在看估计得打1~2分吧. 吃老鼠的镜头好有印象