千年决斗的剧情介绍,地球上通往另一个世界有666道门,其中444道在日本的复活森林里,这里是人类世界和幽冥黄泉的连接点。 <br /> 囚徒KSC2-303(坂口拓 饰)和狱友越狱逃跑,在通往复活森林的路上遭遇一伙黑帮分子。他们和一名神秘女子发生争吵,失手杀死一名黑帮分子。他们将尸体埋在森林里,但尸体获得幽冥之气后复活化为僵尸,疯狂攻击众人。黑帮的老板在500年前与KSC2-303是一对兄弟,他曾渴望打开森林的封印获得邪恶强大的力量,但被弟弟阻止。500年后老板决定再次开启封印,而封印的关键正是那名神秘女子。她掌握了释放邪恶力量的钥匙……
Set in the present where a group of ruthless gangsters, an unknown woman and an escaped convict have met, unwittingly, in The Forest of Resurrection, the 444th portal to the other side. Their troubles start when those once killed and buried in the forest come back from the dead, with the assistance of the evil Sprit that has also come back, come back from ages past, to claim his prize. The final standoff between Light and Dark has never been so cunning, so brutal and so deadly. This is where old Japanese Samurai mysticism meets the new world of the gangster and the gun. Gruesome, bloody and positively bold.
nothing to say,i dont understand the world