半支烟的剧情介绍,下山豹(冯德伦)为了迷恋的舞女(舒淇)而与九纹龙(李灿森)在舞厅决斗,战败后流亡到巴西成为大厨,二十年过去,患了老年痴呆症的下山豹(曾志伟)回忆起自己这些年的寂寞生活,陪伴自己的只有邓丽君的国语老歌《我只在乎你》和装有舞女抽过的半支香烟的随身烟盒,决定回到香港寻找舞女。 <br /> 下山豹于街头结识了少年烟仔(谢霆锋),与他的痴情截然相反的是,烟仔认为哪怕是嘴上叼着的香烟都比爱情长久。看在金钱的份上,烟仔答应帮下山豹的忙,慢慢地,两段过去的浓情浪漫爱情故事开始燃烧。
Roy comes back to Hong Kong after spending 30 years in Brazil. Despite having Alzheimer's, he holds a half smoked cigarette in his pack because it was a memento from the girl he loved. Upon arrival, he meets a rascal named Smokey, who is trying to find out who his father is and is always videotaping a policewoman, with who he has an infatuation for. The two form a lasting friendship as they try to help each other out in their quests.