国家地理:猫咪的秘密日记的剧情介绍,跟随猫咪的神秘踪迹一窥究竟 <br /> 在古埃及被尊崇为生命的象徵,长久以来深受水手和农夫的喜爱,猫,可说是史上最受宠爱的动物。 <br /> 人类向来都是因为猫咪擅长捕捉老鼠而特别喜欢它,但现在人类喜爱猫的原因却是因为它那优雅和独特的个 。尽管如此,与生俱来的杀手本 仍然存在每只猫的身上,在您观赏本片的同时,美国境内的家猫就会捕捉多达十万只的小型哺乳动物和3万只以上的鸟。从迈阿密的国家公园到澳大利亚的郊外,家猫和它的野生亲戚们几乎将要造成某些生物的灭绝。 <br /> 您的猫在屋外都做些什么事?收看本节目后,你将会有超乎想像的收获。
The Secret Life of Cats takes a whimsical but tough look at the darker side of our feline companions and their impact on wildlife throughout the world. From the county parks of Miami to the outback of Australia, domestic cats and their feral cousins are stalking some creatures to the brink of extinction. In the time it takes to watch this film, cats in the US alone will catch as many as 100,000 small mammals and more than 300,000 birds. "It's 9pm. Do you know where your kitty is?"