◎导演◎ 戴维 斯坦伯格 (David Steinberg)
◎编剧◎ David Kukoff/Matt Roshkow
◎主演◎ Mary-Kate Olsen / Ashley Olsen
天生一对闹翻天的剧情介绍,一对个性南辕北辙的双胞胎爱玛和珊(玛莉凯特欧森和艾希莉欧森)--爱玛个性甜美,是个举止合宜标准的小淑女,珊却大而化之、凡事不拘小节.... 当爱玛喜欢上了珊的男友,珊正好也满心羡慕爱玛不费吹灰之力便能吸引众人追求的魅力,于是两姊妹立刻达成协议,善用双胞胎的独门绝招--交换身分。她们的愿望最后是否能够达成呢?两人又会闹出什么的糗事?
Jerry Stanton's pride and joy is successfully coaching the Hurricanes, one of the six competing school soccer teams, sponsored by his employer's sports equipment shop. When the competition goes co-ed, he panics, but relies on Samantha 'Sam', the tomcat among his twin daughters, as not-disastrous girl in his team. Alas, partially due to wife Denise, a psychologist, the team-picking goes pear-shaped, the Hurricanes get stuck with fashionista twin Emma. So he eagerly accepts when the sisters spontaneously suggests secretively trading places, but Denise and attractive boys compromise keeping the charade up.