MTV 名人死斗的剧情介绍,
Animated clay figures Johnny Gomez and Nick Diamond host this show, which features a series of no holds barred, to-the-death wrestling matches between animated celebrities. Past matches include Marilyn Manson vs. Charles Manson, The Three Tenors vs. the Three Stooges, Howard Stern vs. Kathy Lee Gifford, and Mary-Kate vs. Ashley. The referee for each match is the unflappable Judge Mills Lane.
这个泥人动画片竟然播出了将近10年了,ORZ一个。 Animated clay figures Johnny Gomez and Nick Diamond host this show, which features a series of no holds barred, to-the-death wrestling matches between animated celebrities. Past matches include Marilyn Manson vs. Charles Manson, The Three Tenors vs. the Three Stooges, Howard Stern vs. Kathy Lee Gifford, and Mary-Kate vs. Ashley. The referee for each ma...
看的Madonna Vs Michael还有Beatles这两集。设置挺有意思的,名人乱斗。无字幕的缘故,其他就感受不多了,吐槽应该也是亮点。
Limp Bizkit vs METALLICA
看过几集,印象最深的是Smashing Pumpkins,比利的头真的被砸成Smashed Pumpkin了……