A fictional biography of Marilyn Monroe mixed with series of real events in her life: childhood years, first marriage to James Dougherty, meeting with the photographer Otto Ose, career with XX Century Fox, relationship with her mother, foster parents, life wasters Charles Chaplin Jr. (Cass) and Edward G. Robinson Jr. (Eddie G), baseball player Joe DiMaggio, playwright Arthur Miller and many other people.
里面的情节怎么跟我之前了解的不一样?梦露是同时跟两个人Sex然后怀孕,不知道谁是爸然后让那两个都当爸?整个电影乱乱的,不过好在化妆衣服好看,还有年轻时候的Jensen Ackles大帅锅在里面演那两个爸之一。
因为 Dean~
更爱梦露了。Jensen演的Eddie G根本就是YD而且自恋的水仙好么!和Eddie比起来梦露简直是纯洁的荷花!!!Jensen那个时候的演技略显浮夸。。噗。。
一切为了美人哥哥,其实这不就是一段悲惨的3P史么= =