世界图解的剧情介绍,影片标题Orbis Pictus取自捷克著名教育家John Amos Comenius于1658年出版的同名书籍,此书亦是世界上第一本配有插图的儿童启蒙教育百科全书。斯洛伐克导演Martin Šulík借喻儿童读物一点一滴勾勒出当世的光怪陆离与萧条的人际。 <br /> 女主角Terezka的寻母之旅从一处废弃的火车站开始,途中遇到的大多是孤独生活的人,他们偶尔拥有但一直在失去。Terezka手中的地图不断更新着面貌与注解,每个人都有太多的事情要倾诉,也有自己的人生经验要传授。Terezka终于找到了母亲,一段全新的生活即将在尚未成年的女孩面前展开。在有幸年纪轻轻就拥有了那么多的箴言以后,她的视线里剩下的是否全是希望与幸福呢?
In Slovakia, the sixteen year-old Terezka is discharged from her school with a letter to her mother. Along her surrealistic journey to find her mother, Terezka entwines reality and fantasy and meets a man that is hired to burn clothes; a woman buried on the ground; a young bride that is marrying the forty and something year-old widow of his brother to support her family as a tradition in their village; her younger brother that is intern in a special school; a decadent TV comedian and his wife; a powerful mobster in the kitchen of a restaurant; one lover of her mother in her former address; and finally her promiscuous mother that advises her to travel through the world.
世界图解:生活就是如此,不太好也不太坏。Day 14 世界的尽头 是被遗忘的那一头。从尽头到尽头。时间还是太年轻了。世界这样告诉一个女孩。太多了得总结一下。
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