坏电影的剧情介绍,张善宇,作为韩国最具争议色彩的导演,拍摄影片以大胆和忠实而闻名,其开放的性观点和浓厚的政治情结经常在韩国引起争议。他曾在一家电影刊物上说“韩国电影界研究的对象,正是90年代韩国社会的敏感区。性交是我们生活中的重要部份,但如果总是逃避、歪曲,只会增加好奇心”,使得韩国媒体一片哗然。《Bad Movie》是张善宇1997年的作品,是东京国际电影节应邀参展之作,以纪录片方式所拍摄的写实影片.描述了韩国当代叛逆青少年的潜在危险性格,将他们逃家﹑吸毒﹑偷窃、滥交等颓废生活展现得淋漓尽致,影片运用了反传统拍摄手法和写实方式,极端地提出了年轻人如何选择生活的问题。在韩国公映时,因内容过于写实和大胆,而被被剪掉了很多出位的镜头后才得以上映。这些片段也只是在导演版的DVD中才得已重见天日,让更多的人了解韩国当代叛逆少年的真实生活和所存在的社会问题。
A compilation of episodes from the lives of several of the amateur actors' (who are 'bad teens' and the homeless of Seoul) own experiences, this film sheds light on the dark side of Korean society. Feeling alienated and persecuted, they wonder about and come into conflict with the 'good people' who persist in trying to reform them. They have their own reason for remaining as they are and resist attempts to reform them: they cannot change simply because they are bad.