明日如歌的剧情介绍,就读于某名门音乐学院的车侑振(周元 饰)出身于文艺世家,他风度翩翩,气质出众,是学院当之无愧的钢琴王子,当然也是女孩们痴迷追求的对象。与之相对,同在该学院学习的薛明日(沈恩京 饰)则如同不为人注意的丑小鸭,她出生于一个极其普通的家庭,不过对钢琴无与伦比的热爱以及天才般的音乐才华让她走上了这条充满荆棘的道路。糟糕的初次印象让车十分反感这个没有任何常识的邋遢女孩,可是明日卓越的才华又让他不得不刮目相看。梦想成为著名指挥家的车,如同发现了未加雕琢的璞玉一般,他精心打造明日,希望她大放光彩。在这一过程中,对音乐赤诚的喜爱与追求让两个有着天壤之别的年轻人越走越近…… <br /> 本片根据日本漫画《交响情人梦》改编。
Duality exists at the Han Eum Academy of Music in Korea between students of technical expertise but no imagination and students with true but often unbridled passion (labeled "leftovers" after elitist professors snag up all the other students who'll reflect well on their teaching reputations). Maestro Franz von Stresemann, invited to conduct for a year, shakes up the school by forming his own school orchestra, composed entirely from leftovers. Among the students, a free-spirited girl pianist of instinctive brilliance who attaches herself to a boy from the "other side," the dour, accomplished pianist son of a world-renown conductor who, himself, wants to conduct. These two seeming polar opposites form an unlikely but lasting and meaningful relationship while challenging school board members, arrogant teachers, and confounded peers.
主创不用心。装疯卖萌神经病女与丑八怪男的爱情。大失败。明日如歌有些剧情牵强,然而男女主很有cp 感,好有火花~。曾经的交响情人梦。明日是否能如歌,桃花还否笑春风。如歌般的野田妹不是如歌般的明日。完全是糟蹋原创。明日如歌——韩版交响第1-2集及第3集观后感。弹琴不够,谈情太多--人生第一次写吐槽献给了《明日如歌》。