猫狗大战的剧情介绍,猫狗自古就水火不容,这部动画更是将它们卷入一场势不两立的战斗当中。在这里,猫是最邪恶不过的动物,它们貌似平静温顺,却在暗中紧锣密鼓筹划着统治地球的阴谋。狗则是人类最忠实的保护者,他们忠心耿耿,要把危害人类的猫类“赶尽杀绝”。猎犬小卢正是这么一只身负重任的狗。因为,它得知了猫们正在野心勃勃,要毁灭狗类进而威胁人类。 <br /> 这只毫无战斗经验的小狗,临危受命担任起狗类的统帅,狗军师们帮他出谋划策。众狗各施所长,就连人类惯用的卧底招数也成为了这场猫狗大战的超级战术!看来小卢要在复杂的“战况”中鼓足斗志才行。
A secret war between cats and dogs quickly peaks as Professor Brody a scientist tries to create a serum to cure dog allergies in humans. As the unsuspecting humans go through their busy lives, the cats make several attempts to possess the formula, as their canine foes try tirelessly to stop them. Caught in the crossfire, a young beagle named Lou, adopted by the Brody family, tries hard to succeed as a secret agent, and in being a friend to the young Scotty Brody. A evil snow white cat named Mr. Tinkles is planning to sabotage the efforts of Professor Brody to discover a cure for human allergies to dogs. And he'll even make every person on Earth allergic to dogs so that he can take over the world with his army of evil cats!
看了电影对猫的丑化 感慨良多 是为之文。?猫与狗?。创意和故事的博弈。。还挺逗。啦啦啦德玛西亚。自由。可爱的猫狗。可爱了动物而已。很搞笑的一部片子。Cats & Dogs。