星际之门 SG-1 第六季的剧情介绍,
O'Neill is still searching for Daniel Jackson's replacement, but is having little success. The Russian liaison officer thinks one of his countrymen should be given the opportunity but neither O'Neill or General agree with that. Jonas Quinn suggests to Carter that he would be a good replacement and she agrees but O'Neill again says no. Jonas does tag along however to Area 51 where they view the newest addition to their arsenal, an X302 fighter that should be able to travel through hyperspace. Meanwhile, Master Bra'tac arrives at Stargate Command to tell Teal'c that his wife is seriously ill. They set off but when they try to return to SGC they are unable top dial in and with good reason: SGC is under attack by Anubis.
是米高梅公司以1994年的卖座电影"STARGATE"为蓝本延伸制作的电视影集;由因"MacGyver"(百战天龙)而扬名海外的Richard meijubar.net Dean Anderson领衔主演,其馀演员包括Michael Shanks,Amanda Tapping,Christopher Judge,Don S。 Davis,Teryl Rothery以及Corin Nemec等。1997年起在美播出第一季,并于全球30多个国家播映,反应热烈,今年(2008)已迈入第十季。 星际之门是古老而先进的外星科技,利用扭曲时间和空间的虫洞(Wormhole)将物质于瞬间传送过宇宙。星际之门计划代号为52区,由乔治哈蒙少将指挥,直接向总统负责。基地位于科罗拉多州夏安山北美防空司令部下方,深达地下28层,是冷战时期为防核战而开凿所建。目前旗下共有25...
晕啊我怎么会这么脆弱这么zqsg想念Jack和Daniel的互动,ep6也太殇了,看到二度告别自己也没想到哇地一声哭出来。新成员从没见过世面的傻乐weather freak到后面反而逐渐有点面目模糊。ep8迷弟科学家视角可可爱爱。ep19 Teal'c单人故事和梦与现实反转都很可以。长线出现一些有意思的点,ep12单纯小绵羊5号replicator一定要有后续啊啊啊