爱情赏味期的剧情介绍,一对夫妻,五个片断。 <br /> 离婚、家庭聚会、生育、结婚,还有邂逅,生命中最重要的五个段落在平淡中开始和落幕。看着一脸木讷的律师,分割一切可以分割的东西,财产、房子与孩子。热如烈火,冷如海水,爱情游移在截然对立的两边。只有将自己重新投入回忆之中,检索曾共同走过的道路,才会发现其 实很多不稳定的因素早已深深埋藏。这是倒叙的力量,只有这种方式才能深深震撼每一个恋爱中的男女,看看一曾美好的爱情正以怎样的速度悄悄枯萎……
The end and beginning of the love of the French couple Marion and Gilles is disclosed backwards through five moments in their lives: 1st moment: They divorce and have one last brutal intercourse without love. 2nd moment: With their relationship shaken, they have a dinner party with Gilles's gay brother Christophe and his younger mate, when an infidelity is disclosed at the dinner table. 3rd moment: The troubled pregnancy of Marion and the delivery of their premature son Nicolas, with the total absence of Gilles. 4th moment: Their wedding, when Marion commits adultery with an unknown guest of the hotel. 5th moment: When they meet each other in an Italian resort and begin their relationship.
5x2=0。《5×2》奥桑的爱情观:无常的爱情,有常的疏离。5X2。真正倒敘。没有一百分的恋人,只有五十分的双方。因為賞味有期,我們需要防腐劑。沒想像中好看, 但也很不俗。倒叙?。没有善终的爱情禁不起倒叙。可知的结局。
D+ / 像是《沙之下》的注脚。过分依赖倒叙线性结构,高开低走,整体反而有点普通?配乐可以听几百遍。