Based upon the true story of Olga Benário, the German-born wife of Brazilian communist leader Luís Carlos Prestes. During the dictatorship of Getúlio Vargas (1930-1945) she was arrested and...
Based upon the true story of Olga Benário, the German-born wife of Brazilian communist leader Luís Carlos Prestes. During the dictatorship of Getúlio Vargas (1930-1945) she was arrested and sent to Nazi Germany, where she died in a concentration camp. When World War II began, Vargas decided to uphold the Allies. 故事梗概: 德国犹太女共产党员奥尔加因为在魏玛时期的德意志领导革命暴动比较出色,被组织上派到苏联学习深造,在那里,她接受了一个任务,...
20070307 cctv6 奥尔佳
我就想知道,外教放了一节课的 无 字 幕 葡 语 电影讲了个啥……至少我看出她是犹太人了T-T
很久之前看的 大概是高中吧 印象深刻的地方是女主的哭泣 具体为什么却不记得了 总之 女主的演技令那时的我震撼