百慕大三角洲之谜的剧情介绍,谜样的百慕大三角洲准备接受彻底大搜查。在探索无数船只与飞机离奇失踪时,依靠科学找到最合理的解释。 <br /> 本节目以伟大的探险为主题,并进行一连串实验以证实最可靠的理论是否符合事实。某些最令人困惑的失踪案有各种传闻,但谜底跟科学有关,不是推测。本节目要追踪有名的美国海军19飞行中队失踪案,在空中与海中进行拍摄,并且重演当时的情形,利用计算机动画创造精彩的视觉盛宴。节目中还要进行五个实验,探索最合理的理论……
There is a mystery there and the answer lies somewhere between Bermuda, Puerto Rico and Miami. Hundreds of boats and planes have disappeared in the ocean with little or no trace at all. Most of these cases can be explained quite easily by human error or bad weather. But there are some that defy all explanation. Theories abound on these causes: Aliens, massive gas eruptions and freak waves. The documentary reveals that the boats and planes face a real danger in a triangle, but the true threat is often as strange as the wildest theory.
Mystery is More Attractive than Fact。关于“谜”。
我要看的是百慕大之谜不是19飞机失踪案中尉的失误好吗!百慕大到底哪里奇特一点都没有说出来嘛!为什么天气会如此异常,为什么失事概率这么高完全没有说嘛……倒是讲了一点心理学的东西……空间迷失听起来好高级Σ(っ °Д °;)っ
当解开一个谜团的时候又 是另一个谜团,小时候对这种未解之谜最感情趣了,现在依然如此