魔女嘉莉的剧情介绍,嘉莉(安吉拉·贝蒂斯 Angela Bettis 饰)是个在学校里地位低微的学生,她自卑内向,是其他同学的欺负对象。造成这样的局面,嘉莉的母亲恐怕难辞其咎——她醉心于宗教世界,把生下嘉莉看成是深重的罪孽。在嘉莉青春萌动的年纪,母亲却对她进行禁欲教育,把男女关系看成是洪水猛 兽。扭曲的家庭让嘉莉深深地压抑着自己的内心,一旦遇到爆发的当口,将一发不可收拾。果然,在舞会上被同学恨恨捉弄了一番的嘉莉,看着自己满身沾满猪血,她怒火中烧,再也不忍受这些奇耻之辱,大开杀戒的日子到了。 <br /> 恐怖大师斯蒂芬·金作品改编电视版,翻拍自1976年同名电影。
This is the story of Carrie White, a lonely and painfully shy teenage girl with unbelievable telekinetic powers, and is slowly being pushed to the edge of insanity by frequent bullying from both cruel classmates at her school, and her own domineering, religious mother. One classmate, Sue Snell, feels sorry for Carrie and asks her boyfriend, Tommy Ross, to take Carrie to the senior prom instead of her. But another classmate, Chris Hargenson, is banned from the prom and is determined with her boyfriend to have her revenge on Carrie. Carrie soon discovers she has telekinetic powers; and when the most gruesome prank is played on her on prom night, anything can happen.
为了angela bettis而看。看完魔女嘉莉后的观后感。美丽的嘉莉和王子跳舞的一幕真心不错。