埃及人的剧情介绍,埃及医生辛奴耶与挚友赫伦黑救了法老王,分别被封为御医和侍卫长。但辛奴耶为 美色所迷,千金散尽被赶出门,只有逃难埃及流浪天涯,历经磨难再为名医。他因治愈希泰国指挥官脑疾 而知该国已能铸铁剑的消息,专诚返国告知赫伦黑,希望他能发动战争平息国内动乱。在法老王被各方反 对时,辛奴耶赫然发现了自己是埃及皇帝的身份。
In eighteenth-dynasty Egypt, Sinuhe, a poor orphan, becomes a brilliant physician and with his friend Horemheb is appointed to the service of the new Pharoah. Sinuhe's personal triumphs and tragedies are played against the larger canvas of the turbulent events of the 18th dynasty. As Sinuhe is drawn into court intrigues, and bizarre secrets are revealed to him, he learns the answers to the questions he has sought since his birth. Short on historical accuracy but strong on plot and characterization.